Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Simplest way to Trade Profitably

Hi Everybody,
I want to say this upfront - I am not selling anything.
Trading is a very difficult art to master. You keep going in circles looking for that perfect indicator that will take you to the land of milk and honey. Sooner or later you will realize that the more indicators you incorporate in your trading, the more confused you will get. The secret of successful trading is in keeping it simple yet sound. After wandering for years in the wilderness of "technical indicators", a friend of mine referred me to this site. www.woodiescciclub. This is a sort of trading university started by a very nice person named " Ken Wood". His trading is based on only one indicator, "commodity channel index" and he has spent more than 15 years perfecting his system and he shares all his knowledge and his system completely free. It is a system based on about 5-6 trading pattens and is easy to learn. A word of caution: Do not start trading with real money right away. The basics are very easy to learn but you will need some good "screen time" before you are ready to plunge with risk capital. There is tons of useful information on his site which could greatly shorten your learning curve.
Hope, this helps

advanced tools for options-free software

please download the following software to know the option pricing and implied volatility
you can download free option analysis tool from
i have used these tools( yet to make a decent profit).

Saturday, May 06, 2006